Our children need home to be a retreat from the world around them. Discover how to help your kids feel safe and calm at home.

Authentic Ways to Help Your Kids Feel Safe and Calm at Home

“This right here: this is our safe space.  You are safe here and we always want you to feel that way.  This is where you can be honest and vulnerable.  You can ask questions and make mistakes.  We choose to treat one another with such love and respect, that home is always safe.” We were managing another growing pain: siblings learning to love one another. It was a tricky situation where it seemed that all were at fault and we needed to carefully speak to each child individually, hearing their angle and listening to their pain points and ultimately their needs. But our...

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DIY Toddler Busy Board with peek-a-boo doors, latches, locks, and more!

Win Parenting with the Ultimate DIY Busy Board

A DIY Busy Board is a great way to introduce children to the art of tinkering.  With peek-a-boo doors, latches, locks, and more, this do-it-yourself gift is perfect for busy little hands.  Read on to see how it's done! As creative educators, we are continually searching for ideas that interest our children, capture their attentions, and meet their individual needs and curiosities. Having journeyed through toddlerhood now three times, we are finally recognizing that less is more, toys are not entirely necessary, and that these toddlers sure love to tinker! For example, for this upcoming Christmas, we were asked what our current toddler...

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When the baby is screaming, the toddler is whining, and your kindergartener won't stop nagging, it is easy to want to quit. You NEED these verses NOW! Commit them to memory for those parenting days when you want to throw your hands up and scream! | The Prudent Homeschooler

20 Verses That Parents Need to Memorize NOW

  Yesterday was a TOUGH day.   You know the kind.   Where it seems that every single moment is filled with at least one child whining, crying, or screaming.   That day where honest-to-goodness you want to throw in the towel, lock yourself in your room, curl into the fetal position, and take a nap!   That day when you surrender and make yourself not just one homemade hot chocolate, but two, even though you know your belly will ache hours later because dairy just isn’t sitting well this pregnancy. But you MUST have that hot chocolate NOW (or coffee, or whatever it may be!).   That day where a...

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Do you ever have that terrible feeling where your home feels so disorganized that you cannot breathe? I definitely do, and then it leads to frustration in homeschooling, laziness in accomplishing other tasks, and an overall feeling of overwhelm! Follow these 5 Easy Tips to conquer the chaos and finally enjoy some peace at home. | The Prudent Homeschooler

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Keeping a Clean Home – 5 Easy Tips

As a homeschooling mom and aspiring entrepreneur, my life is nothing short of a daily race to the finish line. If wearing shoes was my thing (which for this farm girl it definitely isn’t), I would wear my sneakers to bed, just to be ready to hit the ground running in the morning! Since I’m being honest with you, the last thing I need when I come downstairs in the morning is to wake up to a messy kitchen, toys scattered throughout the living room, and paper clutter mounted high on our countertops.   Perhaps you can relate. Some weeks are just...

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Dear Mama who has worn through her jeans. You are a warrior! Embrace the reality of your battlefield and the truth of your mission. It is an honourable one. | The Prudent Homeschooler

To the Mama with the Worn Knees

Dear Mama with the Worn Knees,   You are a warrior!   Fighting battles on the ground.   You, who take the time to kneel before your little ones to look deeply into their eyes as they speak to you, you are molding hearts.   Your worn knees speak tales of maintaining composure and authority. They speak of daily intentional conversations as you raise hearts for the Lord and consider the future of your family.   Those knees may feel tired from playing alongside your young boy as he smashes his trucks in an effort to replay the demolition derby Daddy brought him to experience. As you engage in his...

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I love being a mommy! So why is it so hard sometimes? An encouraging article about the struggle in finding the time to develop intimate relationships with each child in a larger-than-normal family. | The Prudent Homeschooler

My Biggest Struggle as a ‘Mama to Many’

Friends.   The struggle is real.   In just three months time we will have four ‘babies.’ Our oldest won’t even be 5 ½ yet. Some days I look at our youngest and realize that he himself is still a baby.   I’ve had some funny looks and even funnier comments. (Yes, we HAVE figured out what causes this! And clearly we’ve become quite good at it.) I welcome the comments actually. Everyone celebrates with us in his or her own way, and I find most of it quite entertaining.   Truthfully, I am THRILLED! Four babies. Four blessings. Four beauties to love on and be loved by....

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Decide to be PRESENT in Parenting to experience more of those beautiful "I love you Mommy" moments!

Suddenly “Mommy, I Love You” Means So Much More

  I remember an intentional mindset shift in my parenting several months ago. For so long I had been caught in a trap of doing and getting done. This influenced greatly my attitude toward our children and the attention I gave them.   Looking back, I recognize that I seldom read with them. I seldom played alongside them. I seldom looked intently into their eyes as they spoke to me. I seemed to ignore so many of those moments where my babies reached out to me for love. I unintentionally withheld the love that they so greatly craved – quality time. I of course had things...

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